
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2021

Frequency : The Power of Personal Vibration (9781582702155)

Frequency gives readers the tools to understand how and why their natural frequency interacts with the world around them. Because we see the world from a physical perspective, we often don't notice what's right in front of us -- that our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body are all made of energy. Inside us and everywhere around us, life is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. Frequency shows readers how to feel their personal vibration, improve it, and use it to shift their life from ordinary to extraordinary. A simple shift in frequency can change depression to peace, anger to stillness, and fear to enthusiasm. Weaving together basic ideas from quantum physics with proven intuition development techniques, Frequency takes readers into deeper concepts only hinted at in recent popular books and DVD's featuring the Law of Attraction. By learning to refine the conscious sensi...

Enciclopedia Yokai Vol. I (9788494746727)

Japón es el país de los mil dioses: según la tradición japonesa prácticamente todo ser, animado o inanimado, tiene un alma, incluyendo el hombre, los animales, las plantas e incluso las rocas o los objetos. Para desenvolverse en una tradición popular tan rica y colorida, que incluye espíritus de la naturaleza, fantasmas, almas errantes, demonios y deidades tutelares, se necesita una guía excepcional: Shigeru Mizuki. El gran maestro del manga poseía un profundo conocimiento de la mitología de su país, que dibujó y puso por escrito para crear la obra definitiva sobre los yokai. Una enciclopedia de referencia, completa y amena de los monstruos japoneses y otras muchascriaturas del mundo sobrenatural, repleta de leyendas recopiladas por Mizuki en dos volúmenes enciclopédicos. Product details Format Paperback ...

The Premonition : A Pandemic Story (9780393881554)

Fortunately, we are still a nation of sceptics. Fortunately, there are those among us who study pandemics and are willing to look unflinchingly at worst-case scenarios. Michael Lewis's taut and brilliant nonfiction thriller pits a band of medical visionaries against the wall of ignorance that was the official response of the Trump administration to the outbreak of COVID-19. The characters you will meet in these pages are as fascinating as they are unexpected. A thirteen-year-old girl's science project on transmission of an airborne pathogen develops into a very grown-up model of disease control. A local public-health officer uses her worm's-eye view to see what the CDC misses, and reveals great truths about American society. A secret team of dissenting doctors, nicknamed the Wolverines, has everything necessary to fight the pandemic: brilliant backgrounds, world-class labs, prior experience with the pandemic scares of bird flu and swine flu...everything, that is, except o...

T&T Clark Handbook to Social Identity in the New Testament (9780567379542)

Combining the insights of many leading New Testament scholars writing on the use of social identity theory this new reference work provides a comprehensive handbook to the construction of social identity in the New Testament. Part one examines key methodological issues and the ways in which scholars have viewed and studied social identity, including different theoretical approaches, and core areas or topics which may be used in the study of social identity, such as food, social memory, and ancient media culture. Part two presents worked examples and in-depth textual studies covering core passages from each of the New Testament books, as they relate to the construction of social identity. Adopting a case-study approach, in line with sociological methods the volume builds a picture of how identity was structured in the earliest Christ-movement. Contributors include; Philip Esler, Warren Carter, Paul Middleton, Rafael Rodriquez, and Robert Brawley. Pr...

Mathe ist Trumpf. Kommentarband (3060841489)

Der Kommentarband bietet Konzeptionelles und Beispiele aus dem Projekt PIKAS.] Product details Format Paperback | 192 pages Dimensions 210 x 297 x 10mm | 516g Publication date 01 Sep 2017 Publisher ...

Traumnovelle (3640213386)

Klassiker aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Germanistik - Neuere Deutsche Literatur, - Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Erstmalig erschienen 1926. Auszug: "Vierundzwanzig braune Sklaven ruderten die prächtige Galeere, die den Prinzen Amgiad zu dem Palast des Kalifen bringen sollte. Der Prinz aber, in seinen Purpurmantel gehüllt, lag allein auf dem Verdeck unter dem dunkelblauen, sternbesäten Nachthimmel, und sein Blick -" Bis hierher hatte die Kleine laut gelesen; jetzt, beinahe plötzlich, fielen ihr die Augen zu. Die Eltern sahen einander lächelnd an, Fridolin beugte sich zu ihr nieder, küßte sie auf das blonde Haar und klappte das Buch zu, das auf dem noch nicht abgeräumten Tische lag. Das Kind sah auf wie ertappt. "Neun Uhr", sagte der Vater, "es ist Zeit schlafen zu gehen." Und da sich nun auch Albertine zu dem Kind herabgebeugt hatte, trafen sich die Hände der Eltern auf der geliebten Stirn, und mit zärtlichem Lächeln, das n...

Solitaire (9783423761192)

»'Der Fänger im Roggen' für das digitale Zeitalter.« The Times Die sechzehnjährige Tori Spring hat das Gefühl, dass sie sich zwischen Weltschmerz, Erfolgsdruck, dem Zwang, ihre Zukunft planen, sich selbst finden und jetzt eigentlich die beste Zeit ihres Lebens haben zu MÃœSSEN, verliert. Dass sie kurz davor ist, zu zerbrechen an der Gleichgültigkeit der Welt. Dass sich daran auch im neuen Jahr nichts ändern, dass wieder nichts passieren wird. Und dann passiert doch etwas: Tori trifft auf Michael Holden. Eigentlich verkörpert Michael mit seinem Enthusiasmus und der schwarzen Hipster-Brille all das, was Tori verachtet, und dennoch ist sie fasziniert von seiner überschäumenden Lebensfreude und seiner Neugier auf die Welt. Und es gibt Solitaire, eine anonyme Schülergruppe, die seit Kurzem Toris Schule in Atem hält. Anders als alle anderen fragt Tori sich, was und wer wirklich hinter Solitaire steckt. Product details ...

The Vital Question : Energy, Evolution, and the Origins of Complex Life (0393352978)

The Earth teems with life: in its oceans, forests, skies and cities. Yet there's a black hole at the heart of biology. We do not know why complex life is the way it is, or, for that matter, how life first began. In The Vital Question, award-winning author and biochemist Nick Lane radically reframes evolutionary history, putting forward a solution to conundrums that have puzzled generations of scientists. For two and a half billion years, from the very origins of life, single-celled organisms such as bacteria evolved without changing their basic form. Then, on just one occasion in four billion years, they made the jump to complexity. All complex life, from mushrooms to man, shares puzzling features, such as sex, which are unknown in bacteria. How and why did this radical transformation happen? The answer, Lane argues, lies in energy: all life on Earth lives off a voltage with the strength of a lightning bolt. Building on the pillars of evolutionary theory, Lane's hypothesis dra...

The Wayfinding Handbook (9781568987699)

Where am I? What can I do here? Where can I go from here? How do I get out of here? Consciously or not, we ask such questions every day as we navigate the places and spaces of our lives. Whether we find ourselves in a museum, hospital, airport, mall, or street in an unfamiliar city, we depend on systems of visual, audible, and tactile cues not only to lead the way, but also to keep us safe. They are the fundamental questions of wayfindinga process that encompasses both the experience of choosing a path within a built environment and the set of design elements that aid in such a decision. A decade ago, the professional practice of wayfinding design simply involved devising sign systems. Today, the field is much broader and continues to expand to address technological developmentskinetic media, GPS systems, web connectivity, smart materialsas well as cultural changes in areas such as branding and environmental awareness. Similarly, a cross-disciplinary familiarity with graphic, architect...

Persepolis 3 (9782844141040)

Un nouvel épisode de la jeunesse de Marji, prépublié cet été dans Libération. On craingait par avance d'etre déçus par ce nouvel épisode, c'est bien loin d'etre le cas ! L'épisode est celui de l'apprentissage de l'Occident : Marji est exilée en Autriche, chez les bonnes soeurs et partage sa vie avec une jeune fille dnt elle ne comprend pas du tout la langue. Pertinent Product details Format Paperback | 96 pages Publication date 28 Jan 2008 Publisher ...

Seize the Night (9780312992439)

Valerius isn't a popular Dark-Hunter-he's a Roman, which means that the largely Greek Hunters have a major grudge against him and his civilization for superceding them. To make things worse, he's very conscious of his aristocratic background and breeding. So it serves him right when he runs into Tabitha Devereaux. She's sassy, sexy, and completely unwilling to take him seriously. (Not to mention that she's the twin sister of the wife of former Dark-Hunter Kyrian-Val's mortal enemy.) What Tabitha does take seriously is hunting and killing vampires-and soon she and Val have to grapple with the deadliest of all Daimons-one who's managed to come back from the dead, and one who holds a serious grudge against both of them. To win against evil, Val will have to loosen up, learn to trust, and put everything on the line to protect a man he hates and a woman who drives him nuts. Product details ...

Animalium (9781783700608)

Welcome to the museum! There are more than 160 animal specimens to be discovered in Animalium, the first in a series of virtual museums. Wander the galleries - open 365 days a year - and discover a collection of curated exhibits on every page, accompanied by informative text. Each chapter features a different branch of the tree of life, from the simple sponge to the enormous elephant. Product details For ages 12-17 Format Hardback | 112 pages Dimensions 280 ...

Corporate Governance Accountability and Transparency : A Guide for State Ownership (9789264056633)

Using this Guide will facilitate the practical implementation of the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in the areas of transparency and accountability. It provides viable policy options and a step-by-step road map on how to address typical difficulties, risks and hurdles that may be encountered. It also provides concrete examples of good practices that can serve as a reference and inspiration. The Guide will help governments, their ownership entities and other stakeholders to evaluate existing practices and support reforms. In most countries, improving transparency and accountability in state-owned enterprises entails a number of complex challenges. Addressing these, with the help of this Guide, is an important step in the process of establishing well-governed and economically sound state-owned enterprises Product details Format ...

Murach's C# (7th Edition) (9781943872534)

This book gets you off to a fast start by showing you how to use C#, Visual Studio, and .NET to develop Windows Forms applications. Next, it shows you the best techniques for developing object-oriented applications. Then, it shows you how to work with a database...a must in business development...using Entity Framework and LINQ or ADO.NET. Along the way, this book presents the time-saving features available from the most recent releases of C#, .NET, and Visual Studio. The result? You'll quickly gain the essential skills needed to develop any C# application...whether for the desktop, the web, or mobile devices. In fact, No other introductory C# book teaches you so much, so fast, or so thoroughly. Product details Format Paperback | 818 pages ...

The Schwarzbein Principle II, "Transition" : A Regeneration Program to Prevent and Reverse Accelerated Aging (9781558749641)

In her very successful book, The Schwarzbein Principle, renowned endocrinologist Diana Schwarzbein introduced her scientifically proven conclusion that degenerative diseases are not genetic, but acquired. Many studies have supported this, proving that life expectancy is 75 to 90 percent due to habits and only 10 to 25 percent due to genetics. This means that someone who is genetically destined to die at age 100 may not live past age 60 because of poor habits and lifestyle choices that cause accelerated aging and premature death. Conversely, a person can live to 100 and be functionally healthy. In this highly anticipated follow-up, Diana Schwarzbein, M.D., goes beyond the diet she introduced in her first book-which literally helped thousands of people lose weight-and offers a personalized anti-aging program for readers to heal their metabolisms and stop advanced aging in its tracks. Weaving in groundbreaking research and provocative case studies-including her own regeneration and that o...

The Nude Nutritionist : Stop obsessing about food and never diet again (9781911632009)

Is obsessing about food making you miserable and anxious? Are you an emotional eater? A binge eater? Do you have a mental list of 'bad' foods? Have you been on a diet for as long as you can remember? When you lose weight, do you always put it back on? Do you go to bed feeling guilty, promising 'tomorrow will be different'? Are you in control of every part of your life, except food? In just seven chapters of straight-talking, friendly advice, Lyndi Cohen shares the tools to heal your relationship with food and release you from fixating on your size, even if you've been dieting for years. Learn how to listen to your hunger and calm your mind. Lyndi is one of Australia's most popular dietitians, known as The Nude Nutritionist of Channel 9's TODAY show. She started dieting as a young teenager, unhappy with her growing body, and gave up in misery, having steadily gained weight for more than a decade. Almost by accident she become a mindful and intuitive eat...

The Right Solution for Infertility : Steps To Improve Egg Quality And Sperm Effect To Naturally Conceive And Maintain Pregnancy (9781693012860)

Steps To Improve Egg Quality And Sperm Effect To Naturally Conceive And Maintain Pregnancy... Inability to conceive can be psychologically traumatizing. Infertility can be as a result of either partner having a problem with his or her reproductive organ. As Egg quality is one of the factors to consider to conceive and prevent miscarriage, healthy sperm is also a factor to look into when an egg is to be fertilized. Dr. Slate M. Florin took her time to discuss a lot of preventive factors that cause infertility, gave the required steps to improve egg qualities, sperm effectiveness to get pregnant, and prevent miscarriages. Here are the previews in this book; Science of reproductive procedure in Men and Women.Lifestyle factors that cause infertility in both genders.Pathological factors that cause infertility in men.The Conditions that affect sperm production.The conditions that affect sperm motility.The Causes and preventive measures to take against Low Sperm Count.How to prevent different...