
Menampilkan postingan dari 2022

Wicca : A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner (0875421180)

Cunningham's classic introduction to Wicca is about how to live life magically, spiritually, and wholly attuned with nature. It is a book of sense and common sense, not only about magick, but about religion and one of the most critical issues of today: how to achieve the much needed and wholesome relationship with our Earth. Cunningham presents Wicca as it is today: a gentle, Earth-oriented religion dedicated to the Goddess and God. Wicca also includes Scott Cunningham's own Book of Shadows and updated appendices of periodicals and occult suppliers. Product details Format Paperback | 240 pages

Left-Handed Calligraphy (9780486267029)

The art of beautiful handwriting is no more difficult to master for the left-handed than for the right-handed student. But the left-handed writer requires a special orientation which most guidebooks on the subject do not provide. This excellent study remedies that situation handsomely. Generously illustrated, it offers full, intensive coverage of the art of calligraphy from the left-handed writer's point of view. Vance Studley, an award-winning calligrapher and well-known arts educator and author, shows left-handers how to select appropriate tools and materials, learn correct hand, pen and nib positions, master composition and page layout, and much more. Four model alphabets are introduced -- Italic Hand, Chancery Cursive, Uncial Hand, and the Foundation Hand -- each providing valuable lessons in the mastery of left-handed calligraphy. With each lesson, students will move forward confidently to new levels of skill in this time-honored art.

Funktionelle Elektrostimulation (9783642723643)

Die gesamte Elektrotherapie, hier vor allem die Niederfrequenz- und Mittelfrequenzthera- pie erleben zur Zeit eine Renaissance in mehrfacher Beziehung. Dies bedeutet einerseits eine Erweiterung ihres technischen Spektrums in verschiedener Hinsicht und andererseits eine Erweiterung oder Erschlie ung neuer Indikationsgebiete. Hierzu gehoren in erster Linie die Schmerztherapie, besonders mit Hilfe der soge- nannten transkutanen elektrischen Nervenstimulation und die Behandlung verschiedener Skoliosen und Kyphosen durch die Stimulation der Rumpfmuskulatur. Ein weiteres gro es Anwendungsgebiet der modemen Elektrotherapie liegt auf dem Gebiete der Mittelfrequenztherapie in Gestalt von konventionellen und stereodynamischen Interferenzstromen. Diese Form der Therapie hat sich bei der Behandlung zahlreicher Er- krankungen auf orthopadischem Fachgebiet, insbesondere bei der Detonisierung hyper- toner und kontrakter Muskulatur einschlie lich von Myogelosen sowie bei der Therapie entztindlicher un

Bio Design: Nature + Science + Creativity (9781633450714)

The first book to address thrilling new developments in biological design, now fully revised and expanded Bio Design examines thrilling new ways in which biology is being applied outside the lab, showcasing some seventy projects that cover a range of fields--from architecture and industrial design to fashion and medicine. This revised and expanded edition celebrates the most innovative and often radical approaches to biological design in recent years, and includes 12 new projects, among them Hy-Fi by David Benjamin, a biodegradable tower; Guard from Above by Sjoerd Hoogendoorn, a company that trains birds of prey to intercept hostile drones; Zoa by Modern Meadow, the first biofabricated leather material brand; and Circumventive Organs by Agi Haines, which uses animal cells to print new types of organs. It also features a new how-to section with tips for collaboration between designers and scientists, FAQs and further resources, as well as a fully revised introduction. Combining cutting

66. Jahres-Bericht Des Museum Francisco-Carolinum Nebst Der 60. Lieferung Der Beitrage Zur Landeskunde Von OEsterreich OB Der Enns, 1908 (Classic Reprint) (9780366968251)

Excerpt from 66. Jahres-Bericht des Museum Francisco-Carolinum Nebst der 60. Lieferung der Beiträge zur Landeskunde von Österreich Ob der Enns, 1908 In der Sitzung des Verwaltungsrates vom 9. Februar 1907 machte der Vorsitzende Se. Exzellenz Präsident Graf Kuenburg die Mitteilung, daß er, in Ausführung eines schon lange gehegten Ent schlusses, gewillt sei, von der Stelle des Präsidenten zurückzutreten, und sich bemüht habe, den derzeitigen Präsidenten der Allgemeinen Sparkasse und Leihanstalt, Herrn Buchdruckereibesitzer Juliu's Wimmer, zu veranlassen, das Präsidium zu übernehmen. Der Ver waltungsrat beschloß hierauf, die Erklärung des Herrn Präsidenten mit tiefstem Bedauern und mit dem herzlichsten Dank für sein langes segensreiches Wirken andieser Stelle zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und den Herrn sparkasse-präsidenten Wimmer zu ersuchen, eine Erklärung darüber abzugeben, ob er geneigtsei, eine eventuell auf ihn fallende Wahl der Generalversammlung anzunehmen. Nachdem dies von Herrn W&#

Diez Cosas que Todo Nino con Autismo Desearia que Supieras (9781949177091)

Uno de los clasicos mas apreciados por la comunidad del autismo,Diez Cosas que Todo Nino con Autismo Desearia que Supieras", ha encantado, informado y servido de guia a millones de familias y profesionales de todo el mundo desde que se publico la primera edicion en 2005. Hay una voz infantil en cada capitulo que describe la experiencia unica de como diez caracteristicas principales del autismo afectan a la percepcion y la reaccion de nuestros hijos al entorno fisico, sensorial y social. La tercera edicion profundiza en el enfoque sobre estos aspectos basicos a la vez que se extiende en como nuestras propias perspectivas modelan la vida de nuestro hijo y la nuestra propia hoy, manana y los proximos anos. Una seccion totalmente nueva nos ilumina sobre nuestra enorme capacidad de eleccion y perfila solidas estrategias para tomar una decision firme en cada situacion. Product details

How to Turn $ 5,000 into a Million (9781076517845)

How to Turn $ 5,000 into a Million Can you become a millionaire on the stock market? The question of how to grow a small account undoubtedly occupies every trader's mind. How do you manage to make a fortune out of a small amount? And preferably really fast? Just as it is possible to build a real estate empire without a dollar of equity, so it is also possible to achieve high profits on the stock market with a small amount of starting capital (USD 5000 or less). In this book, Heikin Ashi Trader presents a stock market strategy that will help the trader to succeed in this endeavor. Above all, he explains that the factor of position size plays a much more decisive role in trading success than is commonly assumed. The right question is not: how often are you right or wrong, but how big is your position if you are right? This method is just about finding the markets where a significant movement can be expected. And once he has identified one, the trader should build a big position in th

How to Live in Space : Everything You Need to Know for the Not-So-Distant Future (1588346382)

An amusing and informative illustrated guide to life beyond our own planet that covers everything from training for and living in space to the future of space travel and tourism Now that suborbital space tourism is predicted to become a billion-dollar industry in the next ten years and NASA has announced its plans for landing humans on Mars in the 2030s, the dream of traveling and living in space is taking on new reality. But given that life on Earth can be complicated enough, how can we survive and thrive in the zero-gravity, absolute-zero far reaches of space? Look no further: How to Live in Space is chock-full of all the essential information you need to equip yourself for life beyond our blue planet. Grounded in space science, planetary biology, and rocket science, this accessible guide propels readers through takeoff, life in orbit, terraforming, and the long-term effects of space on the human body. Infographics and full-color illustrations help How to Live in Space to answer your

Geistermoenche, Raubritter und verschollene Schatze : Spukorte und Sagenplatze in Ostbayern (1520588402)

Der bekannte Schriftsteller Manfred Böckl stellt in diesem Sachbuch weit über hundert geheimnisvolle Orte in Ostbayern (Niederbayern und Oberpfalz) vor. Es handelt sich um Plätze, an denen es spukt; ebenso um Orte, die mit schaurigen Sagen oder unheimlichen historischen Ereignissen verbunden sind. Das Buch führt zu verwunschenen Burgruinen, gespenstischen Klöstern, uralten Totenstätten, heidnischen Naturheiligtümern, Schatzorten und, und, und ...Ein Reiseführer ins Reich des Übernatürlichen, der Einheimische und Ostbayern-Urlauber immer wieder zu spannenden Entdeckungen einlädt. Product details Format Paperback | 204 pages

Baedeker Reiseführer Marokko : mit GROSSER REISEKARTE (382971422X)

Land der Kontraste Der Baedeker Marokko begleitet durch ein faszinierendes Land, deren lange Liste verheißungsvoller Namen unser Fernweh lockt. Das Kapitel Hintergrund beschäftigt sich mit Wissenswertem über Marokko, mit Land und Leuten, Wirtschaft und Politik, Gesellschaft und Alltagsleben. Was sind die typischen Gerichte und wo kann man sie probieren? Was kann man mit Kindern unternehmen? Antworten auf diese und viele andere Fragen, gibt das Kapitel "Erleben und Genießen". Entdecken Sie Marokko unterwegs: Spannende Touren zeigen die verschiedensten Einblicke in Marokkos Vielfalt und führen durch die Präsahara zu den höchsten Sanddünen, über Hochpässe ins Drâatal, an wunderschöne Küsten und lebendige Städte. Orte, an denen man aber auch nicht einfach vorbeigehen sollte, sind im großen Kapitel Sehenswürdigkeiten von A - Z ausführlich beschrieben. Infografiken zeigen u.a. Marokko auf einen Blick, die Berber und das flüssige Gold Marokkos. Einzigartige 3D-Darstel

Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment (9781337556477)

The main objective of social work is to facilitate positive changes in individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. The first step in this change process is accurate assessment - and that's the primary focus of UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT. Focusing on individual behavior within families and other systems, this book will help you understand the underlying reasons why people act the way they do. You'll learn about biological, psychological, and social development at different lifespan stages, as well as about the benefits of strengths and empowerment approaches to social work. To further prepare you for your career, this edition's content aligns with the core competencies and recommended behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Product details

A History Lover's Guide to New York City (9781467119030)

New York is a city of superlatives. It has the largest population, greatest wealth, broadest diversity and most elegant museums in the nation. With that comes an amazing history. This tour of the Big Apple goes beyond the traditional guidebook to offer visitors and residents alike a chance to walk back in time along the streets of Manhattan. George Washington took his first oath of office on the steps of Federal Hall. Visitors can still dine at the famed Fraunces Tavern and worship at historic St. Paul's Chapel. From the Brooklyn Bridge to stunning skyscrapers, the city celebrates its own history and that of the nation. Join author Alison Fortier as she traces the history and heritage of America's largest metropolis. Product details Format Paperback

Die Macht des Schmetterlings (3833901691)

Kann der Flügelschlag eines Schmetterlings in Brasilien einen Tornado in Texas auslösen? Der Chaostheorie zufolge ja. Alles beginnt um 7:37 Uhr in einem kleinen Ort in England: Ein Schmetterling schlägt mit den Flügeln. Das führt dazu, dass ein Hase zwischen die Beine eines Pferdes gerät, das daraufhin stolpert und sich verletzt. Aus diesem Grund gewinnt ein anderes Pferd das wenig später stattfindende Pferderennen. Ein Mann namens Dean hatte auf diese Pferd gesetzt und kauft seiner Tochter, die Geburtstag hat, von dem Gewinn einen Haufen Luftballons. Doch das Mädchen lässt sie los. Sie steigen in den Himmel und geraten in die Triebwerke eines Flugzeugs ... Product details For ages 14+

A Comprehensive Handbook of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Prevention & Natural Healing (9781602201729)

For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has helped countless people with their health, and is still widely sought after today--especially by those all over the world who are intrigued by natural healing and healthcare. The culture underlying TCM is broad and the information incredibly extensive, which means it can be difficult to know where to start for those who are interested in learning. This book does just that, providing both an encyclopedia of knowledge in the field, while also acting as a practical manual to guide readers to greater health. It offers an effective, easy-to-learn set of daily TCM skills and expert advice on how to use them. Through this book, you can learn: Basic concepts such as yin-yang, the five elements, meridians and acupoints, qi, blood flow and constitutionHow to judge your own health status through constitution tests and develop a personalized health plan for yourselfHow to make external adjustments for your health through TCM practices

Frightful's Mountain (9780141312354)

Can frightful survive alone? Sam Gribley has been told that it is illegal to harbor an endangered bird, so when his beloved falcon, Frightful, comes home, he has to let her go. But Frightful doesn't know how to live alone in the wild. She can't feed herself, mate, brood chicks, or migrate. Frightful struggles to survive and learns to enjoy her new freedom. But she feels a bond with Sam that can never be broken, and more than anything else, she wants to return to him. The sequel to My Side of the Mountain and On the Far Side of the Mountain from Newbery Medal-winning author Jean Craighead George. "Fans of My Side of the Mountain will be glad to revisit Sam Gribley in this sequel." --The Horn Book "Frightful's Mountain is a novel that will change the way you look at the world." --The New York Times Book Review Frightful's story is filled with excitement and adventure. --School Library Journal Produ

Paperweight (9781471404566)

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Struggling to deal with her brother's death and a past she refuses to confront, Stevie knows she has problems. But she's still furious about the fact that she's been packed off to a health clinic, in the middle of nowhere, where mobile phones are banned and communication with the outside world is strictly by permission only. The regimented and obtrusive nature of the clinic and its staff is torture to the deeply private, obstinate Stevie - and don't even get her started on the other 'inmates'. All she wants is to be left alone... But as Stevie is about to find out, life is full of surprises. And she will prove herself stronger than she knows - even when her past finally catches her up in the most shocking and brutal way possible. Product details For ages

Evolve Level 1 Student's Book (9781108405218)

EVOLVE is a six-level English course that gets students speaking with confidence. Drawing on insights from language teaching experts and real students, this Level 1 (CEFR A1) Student's Book covers all skills and focuses on the most effective and efficient ways to make progress in English. Each of the 12 units in the book features Time to speak, a lesson where decision-making and problem-solving tasks enable speaking to thrive. Optional mobile phone activities help create personalized learning experiences. Product details Format Paperback | 174 pages Dimensions

Occupational Therapy and Physical Dysfunction : Principles, Skills and Practice (9780443062247)

This New Edition provides a comprehensive introduction to the role and work of the occupational therapist with regard to physical illness or disability (as opposed to disorders of mental health). The aim of the text is to link OT theory with day-to-day practice. The book is designed to meet the needs of today's students but it is also recognised that many qualified OTs use the book for reference and the book has been designed and structured to make it easy to use by those who want to dip into it for quick reference as well as by the student. Product details Format Hardback | 688 pages Dimen

A Quarter-Century of Normalization and Social Role Valorization : Evolution and Impact (9780776604855)

During the late 1960s, Normalization and Social Role Valorization (SRV) enabled the widespread emergence of community residential options and then provided the philosophical climate within which educational integration, supported employment, and community participation were able to take firm root. This book is unique in tracing the evolution and impact of Normalization and SRV over the last quarter-century, with many of the chapter authors personally involved in a still-evolving international movement. Product details Format Paperback | 571 pages Dimensions

Sunshine Jane (1914) (9781165018383)

This book is a facsimile reprint and may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone! Product details Format Hardback | 294 pages

Zhang Zeduan: Along the River during the Qingming Festival : Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Paintings (9781913536374)

- Part of a series of 10 paintings from the Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties of ancient China -- presented in the traditional format of a handscroll Ten more handscrolls from the series Collection of Ancient Calligraphy and Painting Handscrolls: Paintings have rich themes and diverse styles, such as vivid portraits, exquisite landscape paintings, and meticulous paintings of flowers and birds. The paintings are accompanied by texts written by experts, offering detailed analysis of the artists' works. It is a powerful tribute to Chinese ancient paintings and provides original insight into the work itself. In this series (volumes 11-20), most of handscrolls are painted in Song Dynasty, in which painting became an art of high sophistication and reached a new level of sophistication with further development of landscape painting. The original paintings have been in the collection of the Palace Museum or the Taipei Palace Museum for many years. The artworks are presented in the traditional

Lehrbuch Der Softwaretechnik: Basiskonzepte Und Requirements Engineering (9783827417053)

Die Softwaretechnik bildet einen Grundpfeiler der Informatik. Jede Softwareentwicklung basiert auf Prinzipien, Methoden und Werkzeugen. Mit Basiskonzepten kann die Statik, Dynamik und Logik von Softwaresystemen beschrieben und modelliert werden. Die Anforderungen an ein neues Softwareprodukt zu ermitteln, zu spezifizieren, zu analysieren, zu validieren und daraus eine fachliche Lösung abzuleiten bzw. ein Produktmodell zu entwickeln, gehört mit zu den anspruchsvollsten Aufgaben innerhalb der Softwaretechnik. Dieser Band des dreiteiligen Lehrbuchs der Softwaretechnik vermittelt in systematischer und klassifizierender Art und Weise die Basistechniken und die Basiskonzepte der Softwareentwicklung und beschreibt die Aktivitäten, Artefakte und Methoden des Requirements Engineering. Das Buch besteht aus 4 Teilen und 27 Kapiteln. Das Buch kann zur Vorlesungsbegleitung, zum Selbststudium und zum Nachschlagen verwendet werden. Product detail

The Planets : Photographs from the Archives of NASA (9781452159362)

This magnificent volume offers a rich visual tour of the planets in our solar system. More than 200 breathtaking photographs from the archives of NASA are paired with extended captions detailing the science behind some of our cosmic neighborhood's most extraordinary phenomena. Images of newly discovered areas of Jupiter, fiery volcanoes on Venus, and many more reveal the astronomical marvels of space in engrossing detail. Anyone with an interest in science, astronomy, and the mysteriesof the universe will delight in this awe-inspiring guide to the wonders of the solar system. Product details Format Hardback | 256 pages