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Concerning the Spiritual in Art

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Results Concerning the Spiritual in Art

Concerning the Spiritual in Art Wassily Kandinsky M T ~ Concerning The Spiritual In Art 1911 A pioneering work in the movement to free art from its traditional bonds to material reality this book is one of the most important documents in the history of modern art

Concerning the Spiritual in Art work by Kandinsky ~ In his first treatise Concerning the Spiritual in Art he had emphasized in particular the supposed expressiveness of colours comparing yellow for example to the aggressive allegedly earthly sound of a trumpet and comparing blue to the allegedly heavenly sound of the pipe organ Now in the same spirit…

Concerning the Spiritual in Art Wassily Kandinsky ~ Kandinskys Spiritual Triangle represents a societal and personal progression from solely material to spiritual concerns where the primary movement is influenced by artists and their work “Painting is an art and art is not vague production transitory and isolated but a power which be directed to the improvement and refinement of the human soul – to in fact the raising of the spiritual triangle” p 62

Concerning the Spiritual in Art by Wassily Kandinsky ~ Concerning the Spiritual in Art is a short book more like an extended essay by Kandinsky detailing his personal philosophy of art For Kandinsky the artist is like a prophet able to see farther think more deeply and feel more keenly than ordinary people

Concerning the Spiritual in Art Dover Publications ~ Pioneering work by the great modernist painter considered by many to be the father of abstract art and a leader in the movement to free art from traditional bonds Kandinskys provocative thoughts on color theory and the nature of art Analysis of Picasso Matisse and earlier masters 12 illustrations

Concerning the Spiritual in Art Summary Study Guide ~ Art is the expression of the spiritual atmosphere of a certain period Its form pertaining to its characteristic features evolves from the culture that inspires artistic expression Copying form where certain typical elements are imitated such as that of ancient Greeks

Wassily Kandinsky — Concerning the Spiritual in Art 1910 ~ Concerning the Spiritual in Art 1910 In this remarkable book anticipating “the spiritual turningpoint” Kandinsky reflects on his understanding of progress in this direction This is not a process that would happen automatically It requires a lot of work and implies a great responsibility of both artist and viewer


Wassily Kandinsky Wikipedia ~ Concerning the spiritual in art Published in Munich in 1911 Kandinskys text Über das Geistige in der Kunst defines three types of painting impressions improvisations and compositions

Kandinsky on the Spiritual Element in Art and the Three ~ Concerning the Spiritual in Art a spectacular read in its entirety is in the public domain and is thus available as a free download Complement it with Tolstoy on emotional infectiousness and Oscar Wilde on art then revisit the 7 psychological functions of art


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