Becoming A Digital Marketer : Gaining the Hard & Soft Skills for a Tech-Driven Marketing Career (9781733794879)

In the rapid world of marketing, fresh graduates and traditional marketers alike are learning that the industry is blending technology at a pace never seen before. It's no longer enough to be a specialist: in today's tech-driven industry, you've got to be able to build websites, install analytics, run pay-per-click campaigns, join Twitter chats, understand SEO strategy, and experience the underrated power of email marketing.

In Part 1, you'll learn the hard skills crucial to a marketing career, like:

organic search (SEO)
paid advertising (PPC)
social media marketing
reporting & analytics
branding & copywritingemail marketing

In Part 2, you'll read about the soft skills essential to business, like:

writing emails
invoicing & salesgetting an entry level position
working as a marketing freelancer
starting your marketing agency
how to work remotely

Also included are in-depth vignettes and interviews with renowned communicators, for insightful alternate views on what makes a successful marketer.

About The Authors

Authors Gil & Anya Gildner are the cofounders of Discosloth, a search marketing company that has worked with brands like Volvo, Doctors Without Borders, AirTreks, and have been featured in Inc Magazine, the New York Times, Arkansas Business, the Washington Post, and more. They regularly speak at industry conferences and conduct corporate & academic training seminars.

Product details

  • Paperback | 206 pages
  • 140 x 216 x 12mm | 268g
  • English
  • 1733794875
  • 9781733794879
  • 729,184

Download Becoming A Digital Marketer : Gaining the Hard & Soft Skills for a Tech-Driven Marketing Career (9781733794879).pdf, available at for free.



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