Tabular Modeling in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services (9781509302772)

With SQL Server Analysis Services 2016, Microsoft has dramatically upgraded its Tabular approach to business intelligence data modeling, making Tabular the easiest and best solution for most new projects. In this book, two world-renowned experts in Microsoft data modeling and analysis cover all you need to know to create complete BI solutions with these powerful new tools.

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari walk you step-by-step through creating powerful data models, and then illuminate advanced features such as optimization, deployment, and scalability.

Tabular Modeling in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services will be indispensable for everyone moving to Analysis Services Tabular, regardless of their previous experience with tabular-style models or with Microsoft's older Analysis Services offerings. It will also be an essential follow-up for every reader of the authors' highly-praised Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services: The BISM Tabular Model.

Product details

  • Paperback | 512 pages
  • 190 x 230 x 20mm | 846g
  • Boston, United States
  • English
  • 2nd edition
  • 1509302778
  • 9781509302772
  • 394,950

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