The Black Book of Financial Hacking : Passive Income with Algorithmic Trading Strategies (1546515216)

A trader's dream: Sitting with a cold beer on the beach while his computer breeds money with automated trading. Can this actually work? Can algorithmic strategies even outperform human traders?
This textbook covers the "algorithmic" part of algorithmic trading - not with 'technical indicators', but with solid math and statistics. The author has developed more than 900 such systems for institutes and private traders, and written about his experiences on the blog "The Financial Hacker". In his book you'll learn the tricks and traps, which methods work and which don't, and how to develop a trading system from the first idea until going live. Many example systems are presented with new trading methods, such as spectral analysis, statistical filters, and pattern detection. You're introduced in proper testing with Walk Forward, Montecarlo, and Reality Check methods. All examples come with code ready to run. No matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned algo developer, this book will provide new insights into algorithmic trading. Hack the financial markets!
The third edition contains new strategies and two additional chapters with option selling and stock trading systems.
"Johann Christian Lotter has succeeded in writing an interesting and, above all, honest book: Instead of picture-book examples, it presents working code, instead of rose-coloured rhetoric, hard truth. All prospective traders interested in algorithmic trading should take a look at this book." TRADERS' August 2016

Product details

  • Paperback | 206 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 11mm | 281g
  • English
  • 1546515216
  • 9781546515210
  • 1,070,513

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