A Comprehensive Handbook of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Prevention & Natural Healing (9781602201729)

For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has helped countless people with their health, and is still widely sought after today--especially by those all over the world who are intrigued by natural healing and healthcare. The culture underlying TCM is broad and the information incredibly extensive, which means it can be difficult to know where to start for those who are interested in learning. This book does just that, providing both an encyclopedia of knowledge in the field, while also acting as a practical manual to guide readers to greater health. It offers an effective, easy-to-learn set of daily TCM skills and expert advice on how to use them. Through this book, you can learn: Basic concepts such as yin-yang, the five elements, meridians and acupoints, qi, blood flow and constitutionHow to judge your own health status through constitution tests and develop a personalized health plan for yourselfHow to make external adjustments for your health through TCM practices such as acupressure, cupping, scraping, heat treatment, acupuncture, massage and other methodsTCM methods of natural internal adjustments including food therapy, herbal medicine, breathing techniques, sleep, meditation, qigong and other practices that will enhance your physical and mental health from the inside outA twelve-hour regimen with adaptations for each of the four seasons, stages in life, times of day, and place where it is practiced, allowing readers to customize the plan to their lives

Product details

  • Paperback | 288 pages
  • 140 x 210 x 20.32mm | 453.59g
  • United States
  • English
  • 100 full-color photos and diagrams
  • 1602201722
  • 9781602201729
  • 975,686

Download A Comprehensive Handbook of Traditional Chinese Medicine : Prevention & Natural Healing (9781602201729).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.



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