DeSavyok Elfhame Tarot Special Edition Guidebook (9781548077945)

The DeSavyok Elfhame Tarot Special Edition Guidebook is a complete exploration of the mysteries of the Tarot Major Arcana. It includes an in-depth analysis of the cosmological and mystical narrative told by the Major Arcana cards, focusing on the perspective of esoteric folklore and spiritual ecology. It also contains comprehensive instructions on how to use the Major Arcana for divination and how to utilize the traditional images for contemplative exercises aimed at spiritual development. The book is illustrated with all 22 images of the DeSavyok Elfhame Tarot Major Arcana cards. This book was written to accompany the DeSavyok Elfhame Tarot Special Edition Tarot Deck, available directly from Black Malkin Press. But the information inside is applicable to any Tarot deck or system, and is presented for Tarot students and adepts who may wish to expand their perspectives and proficiency with Tarot.

Product details

  • Paperback | 218 pages
  • 127 x 203 x 13mm | 240g
  • English
  • 1548077941
  • 9781548077945
  • 1,508,455

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