How to Make a Bird (9781406397451)

Extraordinary imagery and rich language spark the reader's imagination as they enter the creative world of a young girl.

From award-winning author Meg McKinlay and celebrated artist Matt Ottley comes a moving and visually stunning picture book that celebrates the transformative power of the creative process from inception through recognition to celebration and releasing into the world. We shadow the protagonist as she contemplates the blue print of an idea, collects the things that inspire from the natural world to shape a bird. And breathes life into it before letting it fly free. It shows how small things, combined with a little imagination and a steady heart, can transform into works of magic.

Product details

  • Hardback | 32 pages
  • 252 x 276 x 8mm | 425g
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 1406397458
  • 9781406397451
  • 53,443

Download How to Make a Bird (9781406397451).pdf, available at for free.



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