Business Partner C1 Coursebook and Basic MyEnglishLab Pack (9781292233581)

The new, eight-level course that teaches business English and business skills

Business Partner gives students the practical training they need to bridge the gap between the classroom and the world of work. It helps learners to make measurable progress in learning English while helping to make them more employable.

Business Partner does not assume any knowledge of the workplace, and is designed for students with no work experience. It also provides many suggestions and alternative ways to use the material for those students already in work.

Each level is written to a syllabus based on the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English to help learners evaluate their progress.

Find out more at

Product details

  • Mixed media product
  • 214 x 297 x 10mm | 478g
  • Harlow, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 9781292233581
  • 1,239,921

Download Business Partner C1 Coursebook and Basic MyEnglishLab Pack (9781292233581).pdf, available at for free.



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