Healing Autoimmune Disease : A Plan to Help Your Immune System and Reduce Inflammation (9781936609390)

Autoimmune disease affects approximately one in 20 people and is one of the most significant health problems in the USA. There are more than 80 different autoimmune diseases, ranging from skin conditions such as psoriasis, to potentially life threatening diseases such as lupus, Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis.An autoimmune disease occurs when a person's immune system launches an attack against their own cells, tissues and/or organs. This results in inflammation throughout the body, and potential damage to specific organs. Conventional medicine states that there is no cure for autoimmune disease, and the patient is usually placed on a cocktail of powerful immune suppressing drugs. Although in the short term these drugs can be life saving, in the long term they have significant side effects that are sometimes worse than the original disease, and they can even increase the risk of cancer.In this book, Dr Sandra Cabot and naturopath Margaret Jasinska give the reader a step by step plan for healing autoimmune disease, reducing inflammation, alleviating symptoms and halting autoantibody production, thereby stopping tissue destruction. This book offers a medically proven approach to assisting immune system disorders.In this book, the reader will learn: - The role of specific foods and supplements in reducing inflammation and healing the immune system.- The detrimental effects of gluten on the immune system, inflammation and intestinal health of people with autoimmune disease.- How common nutritional deficiencies can raise the risk of developing an autoimmune disease.- How leaky gut syndrome is a factor in triggering autoimmune disease.- The role of hormones in influencing autoimmune disease.- How vaccinations and environmental chemicals can trigger autoimmune disease in some people.- Which specific foods to avoid and which foods to eat more of.- Recipes for healing autoimmune disease

Product details

  • Paperback | 240 pages
  • 137 x 213 x 18mm | 363g
  • Glendale, United States
  • English
  • Illustrations, unspecified; Illustrations, unspecified
  • 1936609398
  • 9781936609390
  • 28,484

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