Adam's Synchronological Chart or Map of History [with Key] (9780890515051)

A vintage reproduction of this famous illustrated timeline of earth history first published in 1871. The foldout chart features detailed, full-color drawings of various stages of history, from Adam and Eve to the late 19th century, with handwritten commentary throughout. Perfect for educational settings or Sunday school walls, it includes the descriptive booklet that was originally published with the chart. Follows James Ussher's timeline from The Annals of the World, the inspiration for Adams' monumental work.

Product details

  • Mixed media product | 21 pages
  • 330 x 699 x 13mm | 2,690g
  • Green Forest , AR, United States
  • English
  • Illustrations, unspecified
  • 0890515050
  • 9780890515051
  • 412,867

Download Adam's Synchronological Chart or Map of History [with Key] (9780890515051).pdf, available at for free.



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