Practical Theology : On Earth as it is in Heaven (9781570756146)

"Practical theology" has recently emerged as a distinctive approach to the theological task. It is concerned with the way theological task. It is concerned with the way theological activity engages wider social, cultural, and ecclesial issues. Rather than seeing itself as a "branch" of theology, practical theology is a distinctive theological, sensibility that highlights the ever-present need to "read the signs of the times" in the light of the Gospel message and the Christian tradition. Veling begins his work by sketching the main contours of practical theology. He proceeds to explore some of its key elements (interpretation, context, scripture, tradition) before reflecting on the deeper role of theology in church and society.

Product details

  • Paperback | 240 pages
  • 152 x 235 x 16.76mm | 426.38g
  • Maryknoll, United States
  • English
  • 1570756147
  • 9781570756146
  • 299,693

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