The Emotionally Unavailable Man/Woman : A Blueprint for Healing (9781568250960)

Recommended by Ann Davis of The Huffington Post as one of 9 Power-Packed Books to Help You Live Your Best Life Ever. The Emotionally Unavailable Man is two books in one: One side is for the emotionally unavailable man and the other is for his partner. It details why men become emotionally unavailable and specifies the actions that can be taken by both men and women to realize improvement. The Emotionally Unavailable Man helps men get their "power," stop avoiding difficult situations, calm their partner's anger, learn how to say "No," set and maintain appropriate boundaries, be more effective at work, increase and enhance the sex in their relationship, and feel personal freedom and happiness. It helps women determine if their partner is capable of being emotionally available, decide what they can -- and cannot -- do to help, discover how to lose their anger, exercise mutuality and safety, learn how to recognize and confront their own resistances, restore hope about long-term change, and gain clarity about their future.

Product details

  • Paperback | 278 pages
  • 141 x 214 x 17mm | 372g
  • English
  • 1568250967
  • 9781568250960
  • 176,392

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