Watching Your Life : Meditation Simplified and Demystified (9781072815617)

"Watching Your Life" - Meditation Simplified and Demystified is your introduction to the easiest, most powerful form of meditation anyone can practice and gain benefits from instantly. With a grasp of the essence of meditation that has been called "unsurpassed," lifelong meditation teacher and awakening guide Teja Anand leads you out of the quagmire and confusion of the profusion of meditation styles, clarifying meditation's true intention in reality, along with the easiest, most effective practice in clear, non-mystical language and accessible, down-to-earth instructions.

Product details

  • Paperback | 118 pages
  • 133 x 203 x 6mm | 132g
  • English
  • 1072815613
  • 9781072815617
  • 410,701

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