Creating Love : A New Way of Understanding Our Most Important Relationships (9780553373059)

"Why are so many of us at times completely baffled by a relationship?
How can we think we know someone so well and admit in the end that we hardly knew that person at all?
Why do many people who work diligently and strenuously to gain wholeness and balance still feel so frustrated about having a fulfilling relationship?
Why have so many people given up on love?"--from the Prologue John Bradshaw's bestselling books and compelling PBS series have touched and changed millions of lives. Now, in Creating Love, he offers us a new way to understand our most crucial relationships--with our romantic partners and spouses, with our parents and children, with friends and co-workers, with ourselves, and with God. Bradshaw's compassionate approach shows that many of us have been literally "entranced" by past experiences of counterfeit love, so we unknowingly re-create patterns that can never fulfill us. Here he provides both the insights and the precise tools we need to keep those destructive patterns from repeating in the present. And then he shows how we can open ourselves to the soul-building work of real love--and create healthy, loving relationships where we can be fully ourselves in every part of our lives.

Product details

  • Paperback | 400 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 22mm | 420g
  • Bantam Books Inc
  • NY, United States
  • English
  • 0553373056
  • 9780553373059
  • 150,777

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