The Parents' Guide to Managing Anxiety in Children with Autism (9781785926556)

This guide for parents is a complete introduction to autism and anxiety. Drawing on the author's clinical experience working with children and their families, it provides parents and carers with everything they need to know to help support their child.

It covers the basics such as what anxiety is, how it manifests behaviourally and why it is common in autism, before presenting CBT-informed practical strategies for managing a common range of anxieties: separation, social, performance, phobias, and generalised anxiety. It also has chapters dedicated to related behaviours including Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) and advice on managing meltdowns.

This is a clear, concise and practical guide that answers any questions that parents and carers might have about anxiety and provides support strategies to help children with autism manage a range of anxieties.

Product details

  • Paperback | 176 pages
  • 138 x 216 x 18mm | 180g
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • 1785926551
  • 9781785926556
  • 472,199

Download The Parents' Guide to Managing Anxiety in Children with Autism (9781785926556).pdf, available at for free.



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