Theory and Practice of Business Intelligence in Healthcare (9781799823100)

Business intelligence supports managers in enterprises to make informed business decisions in various levels and domains such as in healthcare. These technologies can handle large structured and unstructured data (big data) in the healthcare industry. Because of the complex nature of healthcare data and the significant impact of healthcare data analysis, it is important to understand both the theories and practices of business intelligence in healthcare.

Theory and Practice of Business Intelligence in Healthcare is a collection of innovative research that introduces data mining, modeling, and analytic techniques to health and healthcare data; articulates the value of big volumes of data to health and healthcare; evaluates business intelligence tools; and explores business intelligence use and applications in healthcare. While highlighting topics including digital health, operations intelligence, and patient empowerment, this book is ideally designed for healthcare professionals, IT consultants, hospital directors, data management staff, data analysts, hospital administrators, executives, managers, academicians, students, and researchers seeking current research on the digitization of health records and health systems integration.

Product details

  • Hardback | 270 pages
  • 178 x 254 x 20.57mm | 843.68g
  • Hershey, United States
  • English
  • 1799823105
  • 9781799823100

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