How Business Works : The Facts Visually Explained (9781465429797)

Let's get straight down to business. This brilliant book explains and explores the essential terms and key concepts in the world of business, finance, and company management.

If business is proving brain-boggling, keep things simple and straightforward with this unique graphic guide. Eye-catching visual aids give a helpful representation of each and every aspect of business, while the complex subject matter is broken down into clear definitions and concise explanations, expressed in easy-to-understand language.

You'll get to grips with how companies work across the board, including management level, research and development, sales and marketing, and production and distribution. If you're perplexed by profit margin, confused by cash flow, or baffled by balance sheets, all your questions and many hundreds more are answered in this indispensable home reference. Crammed with top tips and essential know-how, How Business Works is perfect for anyone looking to boost their business brain or learn the ropes from the ground to the top.

Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder or starting up your own business, this book is the perfect business partner to get you ready for success.

Product details

  • Hardback | 352 pages
  • 203 x 240 x 31mm | 1,247g
  • New York, United States
  • English
  • 1465429794
  • 9781465429797
  • 325,057

Download How Business Works : The Facts Visually Explained (9781465429797).pdf, available at for free.



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