Survival Skills for Doctors and their Families (9781857759907)

So what's so special about doctors and their families? Many doctors feel that they are expected to give too much of their time to a medical career to the detriment of their family and their personal lives. This book is a practical guide to provide support and ideas on how to cope with stresses directly suffered or passed on from a relative or spouse. Written in a clear and practical style, using information collated from family members describing their feelings about having a doctor in the family, it provides unique and vital information on how to minimise the effects of having a medical career on the family. Essential reading for doctors, and their families.

Product details

  • Paperback | 168 pages
  • 170.18 x 238.76 x 12.7mm | 340g
  • Radcliffe Publishing Ltd
  • London, United Kingdom
  • English
  • Revised ed.
  • Illustrations; Illustrations
  • 1857759907
  • 9781857759907

Download Survival Skills for Doctors and their Families (9781857759907).pdf, available at for free.



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